26 July 2017

Silhouette V4 Software New Layout Part 3

The New Silhouette V4 software has been released and there are a lot of changes with the layout. This is part  of three several tutorials showing where all the common functions are now located.
I am using the Designer Edition to run through the new layout.
1- In the top toolbar section there is a middle toolbar section that changes dependent on what icon you have selected in the left toolbar.
The standard options in this part of the tool bar is as follows-

2-  The first icon will let you know what options are available to use dependent on what icon you have selected in the left toolbar (1), Fill colour (2), Line color (3), Line style (4).

3- The next section of this part of the toolbar is your height and length there is also a option to lock and unlock the size dependent if you need to keep the aspect ratio (1). you also have the option to adjust the placement of your image on the design space(2).

4- In the 3rd part of the toolbar you have Group(1) and ungroup(2) options. You also have Send to front (3), send to back(4), bring forward(5), send back(6), weld(7), offset(8).

5- Lastly we have duplicate(1), delete(2), centre images(3), centre(4), horizontal align left(5), horizontal align centre(6),horizontal align right(7),vertical align below(8), vertical align middle(9)

22 July 2017

Silhouette V4 Software New Layout Part 2

The New Silhouette V4 software has been released and there are a lot of changes with the layout. This is part two of several tutorials showing where all the common functions are now located.
I am using the Designer Edition to run through the new layout.
1- Select tool.  Is the the same as the V3 software in the top left.

2-  Edit points. We now have a icon for edit points. This is a great new option where you can select any part of your design then select the edit point icon. When selected in the top toolbar all your options will appear that use to appear in a pop up box in V3.

3- Line tool. All the line tool options are now located in one icon. When you hover your select tool over the line tool a pop out box will appear with all the line options you can select. These were previously separate on the left toolbar in V3.

4- Shape tool. All the shape tools are now located in the same icon. Hover your select tool over the shape tool and a pop out box will appear giving you the option to select different shapes.

5- Draw tool. This includes draw freehand and draw smooth freehand.

6-  Then next 4 icons in the left toolbar include Text (1), Eraser tool (2), Knife tool (3), Transform property tool (4). Each of these tools when selected, their properties will now appear in the top toolbar rather than a pop up window like in V3.

7-  Next there is a top tool bar. Here you will find basic functions you will need for use with the silhouette software.

1- New Document
2- Open document
3- Save
4- Print
5- Cut
6- Copy
7- Paste
8- Undo
9- Redo
10- Select all
11- Deselect all
12- Select by colour
13- Zoom in
14- Zoom out
15- Drag over a shape to zoom
16- zoom in and out using the mouse
17- Pan using mouse
18- Fit to window
19- Design space
20- Silhouette store
21- Library
22- Send to silhouette.