09 March 2021

How to create a basic pencil holder in Silhouette Alta.

Hi there everyone!
Today I'm sharing a little basic tutorial on how to make a simple pencil holder with the silhouette Alta and the silhouette software.
This technique will also help build other shapes and designs as "wall" sides and bases are a good startig block to designing most things. 

1- Open Silhouette Alta software. Click on the shape icon.

2- Select the cube shape.

3- Select the cube.

4- Adjust the size of the cube and the thickness to make a thin wall.

5- Select the wall and right click. Duplicate.

6- Duplicate 3 more times. Select one of the walls.

7- Move each wall to create a rectangle. Make sure each one is flush on the corners.

8- Duplicate one of the walls.

9- Rotate the wall so it is flat to create the base of the pencil holder. Line it up under the walls.

10- Click on the select all icon.

11- Right click and group the walls and base.

12- Select the text icon to personalize the pencil holder.

13- Type your text.

14- Select the text and select your font. I am selecting the font Garlic Butter from fontbundles.net

15- Move your text so it is attached to your pencil holder.

16- Click the select all icon then right click and group.

17- Click on the 3D print icon then adjust your print settings and click print.